Kamis, 10 Oktober 2013

UseCase Blog

Before explaining about usecase blog that I created. I will explain the meaning of usecase diagrams. Use-case diagram is a structure that is processing the interaction graph in which there are components to introduce a system to be built. Use-case diagram describes a system that is seen in the eyes of people when viewed from outside the system. the usecase diagram posted by me, I use the 4 actors such as user, admin blog, google admin and viewer.

Gambar UseCase Blog

  • Admin Blog
Admin of the blog is a blog which serves as the data provider and the access to the blog users who have registered and have a blog account .
  • User
User is the owner of the blog , which is where a user must first log on to the blog admin to be able to use features such as the blog set up profiles , manage and organize article comments .to run the facilities owned by the user such as organizing articles, manage comments , set up a profile in which there is a relationship between the user with admin blog . to connect the user with admin then use functions and include associations , which are association whereas include accessing user is connecting . kesimpulanya before the user using the blog must log in first .from the picture above , suppose usecase is an entity in which there is generalization . example : in the article set an option to post or to remove posts that already exist .
  • Viewer
Viewer is a blog visitor who without having any blog account viewer can access the blog but can only read articles from a blog or just read the posts that are posted by the user
  • Admin Google
Google is the server admin of google if user ( owner of the blog ) will register their blogs for commercial purposes by registering prior to google adsense . when the user registering the required notification from google admin . The blog whether or not it meets the criteria

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